Get Out of the Matrix

Do you ever joke around that we’re in the matrix of technology and AI (artificial intelligence/ algorithms) that is manipulating us? Well… there is more truth to that than we’d like to admit.

With the release of the movie “The Social Dilemma,” comes a need to really understand what we’re doing online and how we and our data and engagement is being used for profit and manipulation.

I know you may feel like the phone and apps you’ve grown up with are fine and you have control of your use. Beyond that, you need to know how the technology works and what it is doing to overall society — even if you don’t believe it is impacting you or your community directly.

  • Please see this site and watch the movie:
  • Play this game to “Spot the Troll” of fake accounts on social media (and yes, nearly every one of you has shared some of the fake stuff)
  • Know and understand what HUMANE TECHNOLOGY initiatives are happening and read this:
  • Consider using a search engine that doesn’t sell your data:
  • Check out the Data Detox Kit: “Everyday steps you can take to control your digital privacy, security, and wellbeing in ways that feel right to you.”

I so highly recommend the Social Dilemma movie. I worked in online tech & digital media from 1998 – 2016 and have my own insights from those early days, from where today’s AI and user manipulation has grown, and it is real. Our data, and our time and attention is the product.

Years ago I turned off all my alerts. I even keep my phone ringer off most of the day, where only a few on my chosen list of callers can get through. Instead of a pavlovian response to beeps and buzzes, I decide the time I will go look for updates and messages. And while I’m not perfect, when done well, I invest my energy and hours on activities of my choice that are helping me and my family enjoy life.

If you have any tips for better online experiences or understanding what we can do to be well in a digital world, please share. I’d be happy to hear them.

Let’s do better so we can be in and create a better physical and digital world for all of us.

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