
“All the Stars Are Love” by T.M. Spring
I cannot stop the ringing 
in my right ear. 
A low decibel tinny hum, 
like a chanting bowl far off in the distance; 
except it thrums in my head 
embracing a tireless tune. 

This knell, 
my companion, 
Origination unknown 
among a legion of assaults.

Did it arrive on the wings of a harsh 
word and land so gently 
as to be 
until the quiet purr descended? 

Was it delivered with a hit to the head? 
A ball, 
a fist, 
a steering wheel, 
the ground covered in slippery snow, 
skull thudding through to grey rocks beneath.

When I fell into despair? 
A whir in my heart, 
holding the beat.

The singing bowl rings
a high pitched wail 
unbroken intercession 
to the goddesses,
amidst our stars.

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